Challenge One – Video Series
To build excitement for the Games as well as many benefits the games would bring, we needed to showcase the new infrastructure and the promise it would bring for future athletes and the community. To create cuthrough, we required talent that would pique the public’s interest and build excitement during the lead up to the games.
Our Solution
We communicated the legacy benefits of the Gold Coast Commonwealth Games through a series of videos scripted in-house, using a range of local, world-class athletes who call the Gold Coast home. Filmed specifically for the project, athletes including road cyclist, Sara Carrigan; marathon runner, Michael Shelly; netballer, Kristen Oxenford; and swimmer, Chris Wright discussed the positive impact the 2018 Commonwealth Games would have for the Gold Coast and their represented sport. The videos were housed on a dedicated ‘Ahead of the Games Website’ which showcased the athletes training in idyllic locations, all on the Gold Coast.
Challenge Two – Website and Digital Report
As preparations for GC2018 moved swiftly from stage to successful stage, the Queensland Government sought the opportunity to communicate the developmental progress of the 2018 Commonwealth Games infrastructure to investors, stakeholders and the public. Vendors were asked to propose an innovative and engaging reporting solution, shifting away from a traditionally printed document.

Our Solution
We identified the opportunity to create an interactive digital report that would capture the attention, interest and curiosity of a diverse audience.
A digital approach allowed the Queensland Government to deliver facts, statistics, reports and progress in a dynamic and engaging way, keeping invested parties up-to-date. Our proposal included a website that would evolve alongside the 2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games, ensuring progress reports and figures remain current.

- Interactive graphs and statistics enabled visitors to explore expenditure over the last three years, while a venues map allowed users to discover where events were taking place.
- Traditionally static content was ‘brought to life’ through a range of features and visually rich content. This included animated infographics highlighting legacy benefits, an interactive globe showing all the ex-empire countries taking part in the games, as well as triggered animations for bar charts and statistics that responded upon scrolling to draw attention.
- Fully responsive with cross-screen accessibility, including desktop, tablet and mobile, to improve media penetration and ensure visitors could view the current state of play at anytime, from anywhere, on any device.

The outcome
Following both the launch of the site and video series, the Department of Tourism, Economics and Small business achieved high levels of interest among site visitors with the average time on page being over 6 mins. In addition, over 30% of visitors returned and with this number continuing to climb in the months leading to the games.