The challenge
In preparation for the spring ‘17 period, renowned for being the prime real estate sales period of the year, loans.com.au sought to create a campaign that built greater brand awareness and credibility around their unbeatable 3.66% ‘Essentials Home Loan’ variable rate.
Preceding campaign considerations however, loans.com.au required an update to their brand look and feel to ensure greater brand recognition, recall and audience attentiveness not only for this campaign but those to come in the future.

Our solution
Having previously relied on their domain name in lieu of a primary logo, we made the decision to repurpose a forgotten secondary version of the domain name visual already available in their brand style guide and framed this within three of their brand colours to create their new logo. This was partnered with updated typography and brand look and feel.

With the cornerstone elements of the updated brand identity in place, we began work on a multi-channel advertising campaign that targeted investors and second home buyers likely to be considering changing banks prior to purchasing a new property, or simply comparing the best lender packages on offer after winter; the theme of a bidding auction drove the campaign. Paddles displaying the variable rates of the big 4 banks are shown alongside loans.com.au – the clear winner. Key messages tap into the theme of bidding with ‘let us bid for your home loan’ and ‘still think you have the cheapest home loan?’.
This integrated campaign was rolled out across out-of-home, digital display media, social and their website in the form of billboards, adshels, digital banners (MRECs, leaderboards etc) and animated videos utilising motion graphics on Instagram, Facebook and Airport digital displays. Finally dedicated mobile responsive landing pages were implemented to guide traffic to the point of conversion.

The outcome
Despite being a relatively new campaign at the time of writing, the out of home component has already been included by oOH! Media as unmissable creative for Q3 2017. This recognition has validated the early traction the campaign has gained; engagement is high with week on week figures climbing steadily, despite the crowded marketplace. It is expected to further drive traffic online during the peak Spring real estate period. Furthermore, with the first steps towards a tangible new and improved brand identity now in place, loans.com.au are ecstatic and are anticipating greater brand recognition as one of the key benefits working alongside future campaigns.